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Vlastny text. Pozrite si krajina kesu

“We live in a world with no isolated solutions for many global issues. I think, this is best visible today, when the entire world is plagued by the aftermaths of the global crises.”

- Ivan Korčok, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

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Basic information

Meet SlovakAid

Our mission

We are part of one world, we understand the world language of tolerance and respect. Our home is the world, our world is solidarity and humanity.

Our achievements

Already for 17 years, the Slovak Republic has been contributing effectively and concretely under the SlovakAid brand to the implementation of sustainable development goals and addressing major global challenges.

Our goals

Through the projects and activities of our partners under the SlovakAid brand, we strive to be part of a global effort to eliminate inequality and poverty, and thus improve the living conditions of people in developing countries around the world.


Calls for grant proposals in 2020


New grant projects in 2020


Volunteers and experts in 2020


Microgrants approved in reaction to COVID-19

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Druhy projektov

Od roku 2003 prešla slovenská rozvojová agenda dlhou cestou a stala sa účinným nástrojom a integrálnou súčasťou zahraničnej politiky Slovenskej republiky. Rezortu zahraničia sa podarilo vybudovať inštitucionálny, právny i strategický rámec rozvojovej pomoci.

Ongoing projects

Frequently asked questions

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